One Final Message to YOU

One Final Message to YOU

I invite you to stop procrastinating, to stop making excuses as to why you can’t do something, and to stop putting others needs before your own.

I invite you to put yourself first.

I invite you to say “yes” to you!

As Einstein said, No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew”. When we apply this quote to our lives, in order to enhance our life we need to find ways to step outside of our current understanding to seek a broader picture. One way to do this is to explore other cultures, their values and way of life.

Once we have opened our mind to other possibilities, we can connect to our higher self for inspired solutions. From our sacred center, we gain a distance from our earthly emotions to connect to our intuitive wisdom which offers the inspiration needed to align us with our true purpose.

By the end of this retreat…

All your tension and old patterns will be washed away. You will return home with clarity as to what’s important to you and clear stepping stones on how to incorporated these new gems into a more authentic fulfilling life. After living a week surrounded by Jamaica’s lush nature in your minimalist zenful accommodations, experiencing life as more “being than “doing”, you will surely discover your own radiate treasures deep within.

“Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?” – Bob Marley

With Ease and Grace,
